Corporate Compliance Management

At FCP, compliance management has been our key functions across all form of organisation. It ranges from inception of an organisation to its closure and in between their existence, compliance of all statutes. This includes routine compliances of The Companies Act, 2013, Listing Agreement with Exchanges, Takeover and Insider Trading Regulations, Foreign Exchange Management Act and sector specific legislations including financial and non-financial services sector. These services are broadly provided as under:

  • Compliance retainership services for compliances of Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs), Core Investment Companies (CICs)
  • Compliance retainership services for compliances of Merchant Bankers, Stock-brokers, investment banking
  • Compliance retainership services for compliance of corporate and economic laws
  • Advisory services for corporate/ financial/ business restructuring.
  • MCA procedural compliances like capital/ board restructure, to E-filing, Pre-certification etc.
  • Oppression, mismanagement and compounding of offences
  • Periodic reporting including XBRL conversions
  • Business closure –striking off, winding up etc.

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